Central Asian Survey

Central Asian Survey

Pergamon Press Ltd Headington Hill Hall Oxford Ox3 0BW
Publish Year: 

The number in which there is an article on East Turkistan : Volume 1  Number 1  1982  -  Volume 38  Number 4  2019.

book locator: 
جازا 39 - 7 - قە ۋە ت
PDF icon Page 105 Recent Chinese Research in Turkic Studies728.12 KB
PDF icon Page 31 The Islamic Community of China. page 127 The Voice of Eastern Turkistan697.02 KB
PDF icon Page 149 Eastern Turkistan After 32 Years of Exile 607.19 KB
PDF icon page 132 Nationality Policy in Xinjiang447.99 KB
PDF icon page 99 The Identity and Nationality Problem in China Central Asia607.55 KB
PDF icon page 1 On the Fusion of Nationalities in the Tarim Basin and the Formation of the Modern Uyghur Nationality457.07 KB
PDF icon page 75 Chinese Turkestan During the Nineteenth Century: A Socio-Economic Study549.01 KB
PDF icon page 74 Chinese Islam: in Pursuit of its Sources. page 113 Comments on " The Identity and Nationality problem in Chinese Central533.57 KB
PDF icon page 93 Comments Uighur Elites .503.71 KB
PDF icon page 85 Chinese Style Turkic Content: A Discussion of Chinese Transliteration of Turkic Names.506.14 KB
PDF icon page 61 The Great Game in Kashgaria. British and Russian Missions to Yakub Beg526.05 KB
PDF icon page 1 The Ethnogesis of the Uyghur.503.4 KB
PDF icon page 87 Uygur Politicians of the 1940s: Mehmet Emin Bugra, Isa Yusuf Alptekin and Mesut Sabri .544.33 KB
PDF icon page 23 Ahmetjan Kasimi: a Chinese Paradigm for a Uygur Cultural Hero.529.99 KB
PDF icon page 265 Xinjiang of the 20th century in historiography.494.65 KB
PDF icon page 413 An oasis for peace: Zhang Zhizhong s policy in Xinjiang, 1945-1947547.82 KB
PDF icon page 373 Xinjiang and its Central Asian borderlands.581.05 KB
PDF icon page 673 The revival of the Mashrap ritual among Young Uyghur men in the Illi valley.page 701 Crafts entrepreneurship ..Xinjiang641.66 KB
PDF icon page 225 Quand le saint legitime le politique: le mausolee de Afaq Khwaja a Kaskgar.544.39 KB
PDF icon page 277 Introduction: Text and Turpan: the historiography of place in Inner Asia.583.97 KB
PDF icon page 223 Uygur- Tang relations, 744-840.460.87 KB
PDF icon page 289 Xinjiang at the turn of the century : the causes of separatism.466.5 KB
PDF icon page 497 The Jungar Tuvas : language and national identity in the PRC461.72 KB
PDF icon page 167 Uighur migration across Central Asian Frontiers549.66 KB
PDF icon page 251 The impact of the state on Islam amongst the Uyghurs: religious knowledge and authority in the Kashgar Oasis668.9 KB
PDF icon page 251 Bilingual education and discontent in Xinjiang529.76 KB
PDF icon page 347 Introduction: Does the 2009 Urumchi violence mark a turning point ?229.26 KB
PDF icon page 371 The making of a musical canon in Chinese Central Asia: the Uyghur Twelve Muqam by ..735.46 KB
PDF icon page 302 Studies on Xinjiang historical in 17- 20th centuries , edited by James A.456.45 KB
PDF icon page 175 New corporate Uyghur entrepreneurs in Urumqi, China843.91 KB
PDF icon page 293 Beyond resistance and nationalism: Local history and the case of Afaq Khoja615.31 KB
PDF icon page 199 Our friendly rivals: rethinking the Great Game in Ya qub Beg s Kashgaria, 1867-77667.58 KB
PDF icon page 140 The art of symbolic resistance: Uyghur identities and Uyghur-Han relations in contemporary Xinjiang 650.19 KB
PDF icon page 277 Xinjiang and the expansion of Chinese Communist power: Kashgar in the early twentieth century 648.7 KB
PDF icon page 309 Social policies and ethnic conflict in China: lessons from Xinjiang661.74 KB
PDF icon page 327 Beyond silkroadism: Contextualizing social interaction Along Xinjiangs Borderss589.71 KB
PDF icon page 398 Oil and water: being Han in Xinnjiang609.38 KB
PDF icon page 585 Uyghur nation: reform and revolution on the Russia- China Frontier547.1 KB
PDF icon page 191 Native rhythms in the city: embodied refusal among Uyghur male migrants in Urumchi. page 338 Negotiating.. Uyghur 635.74 KB
PDF icon page 476 The sinicized self: prejudice, epistemology and Uyghur perceptions of their bodies.581 KB
PDF icon The Formal side of informality: non- state trading Practices and local Uyghur ethnography198.29 KB
PDF icon Dispossession and displacement of migrant Workers: the impact of state terror and economic development on Uyghurs in urban Xinji182.42 KB

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