2 | AutoCAD PROGRAMMING | DENNIS N. JUMP | 1991 | WINDCREST | 527 | Dolap No.36-1 | 2 copies | 3 | |
3 | BORLAND C++ HANDBOOK | CHRIS H. PAPPAS & WILLIAM H. MURRAY | 1992 | Mcgraw-hill | 937 | Dolap No.36-1 | 4 | ||
4 | Build Your Own 80286 IBM Compatible and save a bundle | Aubrey Pilgrim | 1988 | TAB Books | 197 | Dolap No.36-1 | 5 | ||
5 | Build Your Own 80486 IBM Compatible and save a bundle | Aubrey Pilgrim | 1991 | Windcrest | 220 | Dolap No.36-1 | 6 | ||
6 | Build Your Own IBM Compatible and save a bundle 2th ed | Aubrey Pilgrim | 1991 | Windcrest | 244 | Dolap No.36-1 | 7 | ||
7 | COBOL | ERIC GARRIGUE VESELY | 1986 | PRENTICE-HALL | 410 | Dolap No.36-1 | 8 | ||
8 | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND LOGIC DESIGN | THOMAS C. BARTEE | 1991 | Mcgraw-hill | 628 | Dolap No.36-1 | 9 | ||
9 | Data Recovery and Disk Management | THE NOTRON UTILITIES | THE NOTRON UTILITIES | 68 | Dolap No.36-1 | 10 | |||
10 | Disk Operating System Version 3.30 | Programing Family | 1987 | IBM | 596 | Dolap No.36-1 | 11 | ||
11 | Disk Operating System Version 3.30 User's Guide | Programing Family | 1987 | IBM | 146 | Dolap No.36-1 | 12 | ||
12 | Elementary Linear Circuit Analysis | LEONARD S. BOBROW | 1981 | CBS | 709 | Dolap No.36-1 | 13 | ||
13 | FAST HARD DISK BACK-UP | PC MAGAZINE | PC MAGAZINE | 157 | Dolap No.36-1 | 14 | |||
14 | FORTRAN LANGUAGE AND STYLE | MICHAEL J. MERCHANT | 1981 | WADSORTH | 447 | Dolap No.36-1 | 15 | ||
15 | Information Systems: Theory And Practice | JOHN G. BURCH | 1983 | JOHN WILEY & SONS | 632 | Dolap No.36-1 | 16 | ||
16 | Introduction to Computer Science | Neill Graham | 1979 | West Poublishing Co. | 511 | Dolap No.36-1 | 17 | ||
17 | LEARN C++ ON THE PC | DAVE MARK | 1994 | DAVE MARK | 425 | Dolap No.36-1 | 18 | ||
18 | LOGITECH PAINTSHOW | LOGITECH | 1987 | LOGITECH | 80 | Dolap No.36-1 | 19 | ||
19 | MICROSOFT MACRO ASSEMBLER | Microsoft Cooperation | Microsoft Cooperation | 197 | Dolap No.36-1 | 20 | |||
20 | Paradox Introduction Presenting Data Network Administrator's Guide | Dolap No.36-1 | 4 COPIES IMMEDIATE DATABASE POWER | 24 | |||||
21 | Problem Solving Abstraction, and Design Using C++ | Frank L.Friedman, Ellliot B. Koffman | 1994 | Addison-Wesley | 888 | Dolap No.36-1 | 25 | ||
23 | REFLEX | BORLAND | 1985 | BORLAND | 7---40 | Dolap No.36-1 | 27 | ||
24 | TEACH YOURSELF C++ | HERBERT SCHILDT | 1992 | Mcgraw-hill | 515 | Dolap No.36-1 | 28 | ||
25 | THE BEST C/C++ TIPS EVER | ANTHONY PORTER | 1993 | Mcgraw-hill | 405 | Dolap No.36-1 | 29 | ||
26 | The DOS Construction Kit | James s. Forney | 1991 | Windcrest | 360 | Dolap No.36-1 | 30 | ||
28 | Upgrade Your IBM Cumpatible and save a bundle | Aubrey Pilgrim | 1991 | Windcrest | 245 | Dolap No.36-1 | 32 | ||
29 | WORDPERFECT POWER | JENNIFER DE LASALA | 1991 | WINDCREST | 374 | Dolap No.36-1 | 33 | ||
30 | Work Program for Disabled Persons During The 9th Five-Year Plan Period | CHINA DISABLED PERONS' FEDERATION | 1996 | CHINA DISABLED PERONS' FEDERATION | 50 | Dolap No.36-1 | 34 | 34 | |
31 | Accessing the Global Halal Market | ABDULLAHI AYAN | 2013 | CREATESPACE | 199 | Dolap No.36-2 | 1 | ||
32 | China Under Mongol Rule | John D. Langlois, Jr. | 1981 | Princetion University Press | 487 | Dolap No.36-2 | 2 | ||
33 | Highlights of Tibetan History | Wang Furen and Suo Wenqing | 1984 | New World Press | 206 | Dolap No.36-2 | 3 | ||
34 | History of the Mongols | Henry H. Howorth, F. S.A. | 1970 | Ch'eng Wen Publishing Company Taipei | 743 | Dolap No.36-2 | 5 volumes | 8 | |
35 | History of the Mongols | Bertold Spuler | 1968 | Routledge & Kegan Paul | 221 | Dolap No.36-2 | 9 | ||
36 | Khubilai Khan | Morris Rossabi | 1988 | University of California Press | 322 | Dolap No.36-2 | 10 | ||
37 | Mongol Imperialism | Thomas T. Allsen | 1987 | University of California Press | 278 | Dolap No.36-2 | 11 | ||
38 | Mongolian Economy And Society in 2993 | Statistical Yearbook | 1994 | Ulaanbaatar | 102 | Dolap No.36-2 | 12 | ||
39 | Muslims & Mongols | J. J. Saunders | 1977 | University of Canterbury by Whitcoulls Limited | 143 | Dolap No.36-2 | 13 | ||
40 | My Land And My People | Dalai Lama of Tibet | 1997 | A Time Warner Company | 238 | Dolap No.36-2 | 14 | ||
41 | Publication of The Mongolia Society | Gustay John Ramstedt | 1978 | The Mongolia Society Bloomington, Indian | 276 | Dolap No.36-2 | Among the Cheremis, Kalmyks, Mongols and in Turkestan and to Afghanistan With 52 Photographs by the Autgor | 15 | |
42 | Recit D'UN Voyageur Musulman Au Tibet | M. Gaborieau | 1973 | Librairie C. Klincksieck | 166 | Dolap No.36-2 | 16 | ||
43 | Sa-Dharma-Pundarika-Sutra The Summary in Khotan Saka | H. W. Bailey | 1973 | The Australian National University. | 57 | Dolap No.36-2 | 17 | ||
44 | The Boundary Question Between China And Tibet | A Valuable Record of The Tripartite Conference | 1940 | Published in Peking, China | 150 | Dolap No.36-2 | 18 | ||
45 | The History of Western Tibet | A. H. Francke | 1907 | Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited Delhi | 141 | Dolap No.36-2 | 19 | ||
46 | The Kalmyk Mongols | Paula G. Rubel | 1967 | Indiana University, Bloomington Mouton & Co. | 282 | Dolap No.36-2 | 20 | ||
47 | The Making of Modern Tibet | A. Tom Grunfeld | 1987 | Zed Books Ltd | 276 | Dolap No.36-2 | 21 | ||
48 | The Modern Mongolian Language | G. D. Sanzheyev | 1973 | '' Nauka'' Publishing House Moscow | 128 | Dolap No.36-2 | 22 | ||
49 | The Mongolia Society Occasional Papers | John G. Hangin and Urgunge Onon | 1972 | The Mongol Society | 142 | Dolap No.36-2 | 23 | ||
50 | The Mongols | David Morgan | 1986 | Blackwell | 238 | Dolap No.36-2 | 24 | ||
51 | The Mongols of the West | Stephen A. Halkovic, Jr. | 1985 | Bloomington Indian | 226 | Dolap No.36-2 | 25 | ||
52 | The Secret History of the Mongol Queens | Jack Weatherford | 2010 | Broadway Paperbacks New York | 317 | Dolap No.36-2 | 26 | ||
53 | This is Mongolia | Ya. Yunden G. Zorig | 1991 | Ulaanbaatar | 151 | Dolap No.36-2 | 27 | ||
54 | Tibet A Political History | Tsepon W. D. Shakabpa | 1967 | New Haven And London, Yale University Press | 369 | Dolap No.36-2 | 28 | ||
55 | Tibet The Facts | Revised Edition | 1984 | Tibetan Young Buddhist Association | 384 | Dolap No.36-2 | 29 | ||
56 | Tibetan Literary Texts And Documents Concerning Chinese Turkestan | F. W. Thomas | 1935 | Royal Asiatic Society by Luzac & Company, Ltd. | 88 | Dolap No.36-2 | 2 volumes | 31 | |
57 | Tibetan Literary Texts and Documents Concerning Chinese Turkestan | F.W. THOMAS | 1963 | THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY | 88 | Dolap No.36-2 | 2 volumes | 33 | |
58 | Tibetan Texts Concerning Khotan | R. E. Emmerick | 1967 | Oxford University Press London | 160 | Dolap No.36-2 | 34 | ||
59 | Turkestan Down To The Mongol Invasion | W. Barthold | 1968 | Messrs. Luzac and Company Ltd. London | 573 | Dolap No.36-2 | 35 | 35 | |
60 | A Concise English - Mongolian Dictionary | John G. Hangin | 1970 | Indian University Publications | 287 | Dolap No.36-3 | 1 | ||
61 | A Dictionary of Modern Technical Terms Arabic - English | Constantine Theodory | 1959 | Dar-Al- Kutub Press | 464 | Dolap No.36-3 | Author of : Between Egypt and palestine, Between Captivity and Liberty. | 2 | |
62 | A Sketch of the Turkistan Language As Spoken in Eastern Turkistan | Robert Barkley Shaw, F.R.G.S. | 1880 | Calcutta : J.W. Thomas,At The Baptist Miaaion Press. | 225 | Dolap No.36-3 | A SKETCH of the Turki Language As Spoken in Eastern Turkistan ( Kashgar and Yarkand ) . Part II. Vocabulary, Turki - English. | 3 | |
63 | Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary | A M Macdonald Obe Ba Oxon | 1972 | W & R Chambers Ltd | 1639 | Dolap No.36-3 | 4 | ||
64 | COLLINS GEM A-K | COLLINS | 1979 | COLLINS | 531 | Dolap No.36-3 | 2 VOLUMES | 6 | |
65 | Collins English Learner's Dictionary | David J. Carver, Michael J. Wallace, John Cameron | 1974 | Callins . London Glasgow | 622 | Dolap No.36-3 | 7 | ||
66 | Deutsch - Arabisches Worterbuch | Gunther Krahl | 1971 | Librairie Du Liban Riad Solh Square Beirut | 480 | Dolap No.36-3 | 8 | ||
67 | Dictionary Arabe - Portugues | Dr. Helmi Nasr | 2005 | Camara Decomercio Arabe brasileira | 416 | Dolap No.36-3 | 9 | ||
68 | Dictionary of Electronics | M.I. Ghozlan | 1975 | المركز العربي للنشر والتوزيع الإسكندرية | 1052 | Dolap No.36-3 | 10 | ||
69 | ENGLISH CRITICAL ESSAYS | EDMUND D. JONES | 1961 | OXFORD UNIVERSITY | 394 | Dolap No.36-3 | 11 | ||
70 | FRENCH-ENGLISH ENGLISH-FRENCH | W.T. MCLEOD | 1952 | COLLINS | 760 | Dolap No.36-3 | 12 | ||
71 | GERMAN.ENGLISH ENGLISH.GERMAN | J.M. CLARK | 1953 | COLLINS | 752 | Dolap No.36-3 | 2 VOLUMES | 14 | |
72 | Kazakh-English Dictionary | Boris Shnitnikov | 1966 | Mouton & Co London | 301 | Dolap No.36-3 | 15 | ||
73 | Popular Oxford Practical Dictionary | Oriental Book Society pakistan | 560 | Dolap No.36-3 | Urfu Words with English Meanings in Persian Character | 16 | |||
74 | RUSSIAN PHRASE BOOK | HARPER COLLINS | 1992 | COLLINS | 176 | Dolap No.36-3 | 17 | ||
75 | The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English | A. S. Hornby E. V. Gatenby H. Wakefield | 1963 | London Oxford University Press | 1195 | Dolap No.36-3 | 19 | ||
76 | The Concise oxford Turkish Dictionary | A. D. Alderson and Fahir Iz | 1959 | Oxford At The Clarendon Press | 807 | Dolap No.36-3 | 20 | ||
77 | The World Almanac And Book of Facts | Mark s. Hoffman | 1990 | World Almanac New York | 959 | Dolap No.36-3 | 2 VOLUMES | 22 | |
78 | TURKESTAN im Herzen Euroasiens | Dr.Baymirza Hayit | 1980 | STUDIENVERLAG | 308 | Dolap No.36-3 | 23 | ||
79 | Turkistan and Mongolian Studies | Sir Gerard Clauson | 1962 | The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland | 261 | Dolap No.36-3 | 24 | ||
80 | Uigurisches Worterbuch | Klaus Rohrborn | 1977 | Franz Steiner Verlag Gmbh. Wiesbaden | Dolap No.36-3 | 6 volumes 2 in 39-7 | 30 | ||
81 | Uzbek - English Dictionary | Natalie Waterson | 1980 | Oxford University Press | 190 | Dolap No.36-3 | 31 | ||
82 | VICTORY | JOSEPH CONRAD | 1957 | OXFORD UNIVERSITY | 415 | Dolap No.36-3 | 32 | ||
83 | World Muslim Gazetteer | Motamar Al-Alam Al-Islami | 1966 | Umma Publishing House | 563 | Dolap No.36-3 | 2 VOLUMES Publisher of World Gazetteer 1985 Motamar Al- Alam Al- Islami | 34 | |
84 | Wortabet's Arabic English Dictionary | William Thomson Wortabet | 1977 | Librairie du Liban Beirut | 803 | Dolap No.36-3 | 35 | 35 | |
85 | A Picture Album of The Habits And Customs of The Minority Nationalities in Xinjiang | The Uygur Nationality | 1984 | The Exhibition Centre of The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region | 117 | Dolap No.36-4 | 1 | ||
86 | An English Lady in Chinese Turkestan | Lady Macartney | 1985 | Hong Kong Oxford Press | 236 | Dolap No.36-4 | 2 | ||
87 | Bazaars of Chinese Turkistan | Peter Yung | 1997 | Hong Kong Oxford University Press | 144 | Dolap No.36-4 | Bazaars of Chinese Turkistan Life And Trade Along The Old Silk Road | 3 | |
88 | Bosnia And Herzegovina | Alojz Benac Ivan Lovrenovic | 1980 | Igkro '' Svjetlost'' Jugosvenska Revija | 215 | Dolap No.36-4 | 4 | ||
89 | China's Changing Map | Theodore Shabad | 1956 | Methuen 7 Co. Ltd | 295 | Dolap No.36-4 | 5 | ||
90 | Cultural Encounters on China's Ethnic Frontiers 1995 | Stevan Harrell | 1995 | University of Washington Press | 379 | Dolap No.36-4 | 6 | ||
91 | Gunnar Jarring Ater Till Kashgar | Gunnar Jarring | 1979 | Bonniers | 254 | Dolap No.36-4 | 7 | ||
92 | Hans Bidder Carpets From Eastern Turkistan | Hans Bidder | 1979 | Verlag Ernst Wasmuth Tubingen | 96 | Dolap No.36-4 | Carpets From Eastern Turkistan Known As Khotan, Samarkand And Kansu Carpets. | 8 | |
93 | Heeren's Historical Researches | A. H.L. Heeren | Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. London | 472 | Dolap No.36-4 | 2 Volumes | 9 | ||
94 | Human Rights Violations in Eastern Turkistan | Dr. Timur Kocaoglu Yard | 2000 | Aydinlar Ocagi Yayini | 53 | Dolap No.36-4 | 10 | ||
95 | Islam And Turkestan Under Russian Rule | Mirza Hayit | 1987 | Istanbul | 549 | Dolap No.36-4 | 11 | ||
96 | Journey to Turkistan | Sir Eric Teichman | 1937 | Hodder And Stoughton Limited London | 221 | Dolap No.36-4 | 12 | ||
97 | KARAVAN in Travels in Eastern Turkistan | Nils Ambolt | 1939 | Blackie & Son Limited London and Glasgow | 191 | Dolap No.36-4 | 13 | ||
98 | Kashgar - Xinjiang China | The Editorial Board of the Album: Kashgar Xinjiang China | 1989 | Xinjiang People's Publishing Press | 120 | Dolap No.36-4 | 14 | ||
99 | Kashgar Central Asia | F. M. Hassnain Tokan D. Sumi | 1995 | Reliance Publishing House New Delhi India | 146 | Dolap No.36-4 | 15 | ||
100 | Kashigar | Kashgar | Xinjiang | 80 | Dolap No.36-4 | 16 | |||
101 | Macartney at Kashgar | C. P. Skrine and Pamela Nightingale | 1973 | Methuen & Co Ltd London | 282 | Dolap No.36-4 | New Light on British, Chinese and Russian Activities in Sinkiang, 1890 - 1918. | 17 | |
102 | Mineral Resources in Xinjiang | Xinjiang People's Publishing House | 1990 | Educational And Cultural Press Ltd | 32 | Dolap No.36-4 | Xinjiang Roreing Cultural Exchange Association Xinjiang Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources | 18 | |
103 | Night Train To Turkistan 1988 | Stuart Stevens | 1988 | The Atlantic Monthly Press New York | 239 | Dolap No.36-4 | 19 | ||
104 | Nomads of The Eurasian Steppes in The Early Iron Age | Jeannine Davis-Kimball Vladimir A.Bashilov Leonid T. Yablonsky | 1995 | Zinat Press Berkeley, CA | 403 | Dolap No.36-4 | 20 | ||
105 | Painted Buddhas of Xinjiang | Hidden Treasures From the Silk Road | 2002 | Editions de La Martiniere,Paris | 167 | Dolap No.36-4 | 21 | ||
106 | Prints From Kashghar | Gunnar Jarring | 1991 | Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul | 140 | Dolap No.36-4 | 22 | ||
107 | Return to Kashgar | Gunnar Jarring | 1986 | 249 | Dolap No.36-4 | 23 | |||
108 | Silk Road to Sinkiang | Iqbal M. Shafi | 1988 | Wajidalis Lahore-Pkistan | 106 | Dolap No.36-4 | 24 | ||
109 | Selected Works of Arabic Calligraphy Paintings of Tang Shulin | LI YOU MING | 2000 | MILLET | 87 | Dolap No.36-4 | 18 | ||
110 | The Memoirs of Maynor Kasim | The Memoirs of Maynor Kasim A Story in Pictures | 2002 | Xinjiang Art Pictures | 165 | Dolap No.36-4 | 25 | ||
111 | The Silk Road | Jan Myrdal | 1980 | Victor Gollancz Ltd | 292 | Dolap No.36-4 | Ajourney From the High Pamirs and Ili through Sinkiang and Kansu | 26 | |
112 | The Turkic Languages And Peoples | Karl H. Menges | 1968 | Otto Harrassowitz. Wiesbaden | 348 | Dolap No.36-4 | 27 | ||
113 | TIANSHAN | 1980 | The Tianshan Mountains | Dolap No.36-4 | 28 | ||||
114 | TTURKISTAN | Eugene Schuyler | 1966 | Routledge and Kegan Paul London | 303 | Dolap No.36-4 | Turkistan by Eugene Schuyler | 29 | |
115 | Turkistan in the Nineteenth Century | Mary Holdsworth | 1959 | Central Asian Research Centre in Association With St. Antony's College | 81 | Dolap No.36-4 | 30 | ||
116 | Turkistan The Heart of Asia | William Eleroy Curtis | 1911 | Hodder & Stoughton New York | 344 | Dolap No.36-4 | 31 | ||
117 | Uyghur Stories From Along the Silk Road | cuiyi Wei & Karl W. Luckert | 1998 | University Press of America | 345 | Dolap No.36-4 | 32 | ||
118 | What do We Khow about Lobnor | U.Z. LLieva, I.Ya. Chasnikov | 1997 | Almaty | 39 | Dolap No.36-4 | 33 | ||
119 | XINJIANG The Silk Road Islam's Overland Route to China | Peter Yung | 1986 | Hong Kong Oxford New York | 160 | Dolap No.36-4 | 34 | ||
120 | Xinjiang - Arbeitsbibliographie II | Thomas Hoppe | 1987 | Otto Harrassowitz. Wiesbaden | 208 | Dolap No.36-4 | 35 | 35 | |
121 | AVICENNE LIBRAIRIE | FONDS ARABE | FONDS ARABE | 128 | Dolap No.36-5 | 1 | |||
122 | Chinese Policy Human Rights Abuses And the Consequences | 1992 | A Publication of the Eastern Turkestani Union in Europe | 30 | Dolap No.36-5 | 2 | |||
123 | Die Beziehungen Sinkiangs ( Ostturkestan ) Zu China und der Udssr 1917 - 1945 | Han - Jung Ziemann | 1984 | Studienverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer | 323 | Dolap No.36-5 | 3 | ||
124 | Die ethnischen Gruppen Xinjiangs: | Thomas Hoppe | 1995 | Hamburg | Dolap No.36-5 | 2 copies | 4 | ||
125 | Eastern Turkistan Country Report | Ismail Cengiz | 1996 | Eastern Turkistan Refugees Association Istanbul | 60 | Dolap No.36-5 | 5 | ||
126 | Eastern Turkistan Rejects The Red Autonomy | MEHMET EMIN BUGRA | 1955 | son havadis | 9 | Dolap No.36-5 | 6 | ||
127 | Guide Book | Area Study Centre | university of peshawar | 16 | Dolap No.36-5 | 7 | |||
128 | Kazakh Traditions of China | Awelkhan Hali Zengxiang Li Karl W. Luckert | 1998 | University Press of America | 235 | Dolap No.36-5 | 8 | ||
130 | Liberate Turrkistan | The Turkistan Liberation | 1971 | The Turkistan Liberation | 8 | Dolap No.36-5 | 10 | ||
131 | MATERIALIA TURCICA | DR. N. BROCKMEYER | 1977 | STUDIENVERLAG | 6 | Dolap No.36-5 | 11 | ||
132 | Mummies of Ür ü m chı | Elizabeth Wayland Barber | 1999 | w. w. Norton & Company New York . London | 240 | Dolap No.36-5 | 12 | ||
133 | My People the Soviet Uighurs | Khelyam Khudaiberdiyev | 1978 | Novosti Press Agency Moscow | 90 | Dolap No.36-5 | 13 | ||
134 | NEURUZ | 1988 | Ankara | 32 | Dolap No.36-5 | 14 | |||
135 | News And Views on Eastern Turkistan | 1998 | Eastern Turkistan Solidarity Association Dugu Turkistan Kultur Merkezi Istanbul | 32 | Dolap No.36-5 | 15 | |||
136 | Nomads and the Outside World | Anatoly M. Khazanov | 1983 | The University of Wisconsin Press | 382 | Dolap No.36-5 | 16 | ||
137 | Owen Lattimore And The '' Loss '' of China | Robert P. Newman | 1992 | University of California Press Berkeley Los Angeles Oxford | 669 | Dolap No.36-5 | 17 | ||
138 | Peoples of the Steppe | David C. Wright | 1998 | Simon & Schuster | 167 | Dolap No.36-5 | 18 | ||
139 | Projects For Foreign Economics and Technical Co - Operation of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Pegion | Urumqi Xinjiang China | 111 | Dolap No.36-5 | 19 | ||||
141 | Research Register Central Asian Research Forum 1990 | Shirin Akiner | 1990 | Central Asia Research Forum | 47 | Dolap No.36-5 | 21 | ||
142 | Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain And Ireland | Thomas W. Kingsmill | 1882 | Trubner & Co, 57 and 59 Ludgate Hill, London E.C. | 31 | Dolap No.36-5 | 22 | ||
143 | Setting The East Ablaze | Peter Hopkirk | 1986 | Oxford University Press | 252 | Dolap No.36-5 | 23 | ||
144 | Sinkiang: Pawn or Pivot ? | Allen S. Whiting and General Sheng Shih - t'sai | 1958 | Michigan State University Press | 314 | Dolap No.36-5 | 24 | ||
145 | Sons of the Conquerers The Rise of the Turkic World | Hugh pope | 2005 | Overlook Duckworth New York | 388 | Dolap No.36-5 | 25 | ||
146 | Studia Turcica | L. LIGETI | 1971 | Akademiai Kiado, Budapest | 498 | Dolap No.36-5 | 26 | ||
147 | Studies in Frontier History | Owen Lattimore | 1962 | Oxford University Press London | 565 | Dolap No.36-5 | 27 | ||
148 | Tatars of The Crimea | Edward Allworth | 1988 | Duke University Press Durham and London | 394 | Dolap No.36-5 | 28 | ||
149 | The Effendi And The Pregnant Pot | Uyghur Folktales From China | 1982 | New World Press Beijing, china | 88 | Dolap No.36-5 | 29 | ||
150 | The Marco Polo Expedition | Rechard B.Fisher | 1988 | Hodder and Stoughton London Sydney Auckland Toronto | 240 | Dolap No.36-5 | The Marco Polo Expedition Ajourney Along the Silk Road . | 30 | |
151 | The Old Silk Road Xinjiang Today 1991 | Ismail Aymat, Tomur Dawamat | 1991 | China Today Press | 107 | Dolap No.36-5 | 31 | ||
152 | The Other Middle Kingdom | Chiara Betta | 2004 | University of Indiana press | 83 | Dolap No.36-5 | 32 | ||
153 | The Situation in Asia | Owen Lattimore | 1969 | Greenwood Press New York | 244 | Dolap No.36-5 | 33 | ||
154 | The Ta'rikh-I-Jahan-Gusha 'Ala' U D-Din ' Ata Malik - I - Juwayni | Mirza Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab - I - Qazwini | 1958 | Messrs. Luzac And Company Ltd. | 592 | Dolap No.36-5 | 3 volumes | 34 | |
155 | The Tarim Mummies | J. P. Mallory . Victor H. Mair | 2000 | Thames & Hudson | 352 | Dolap No.36-5 | 35 | ||
156 | The Uralic and Altaic Program of The American Council of Learned Societies | JOHN LOTZ | 1965 | Indiana University | 45 | Dolap No.36-5 | 36 | ||
157 | The World of The Huns | J. Otto Maenchen - Helfen | 1973 | Unisity of California Press | 602 | Dolap No.36-5 | 37 | ||
158 | TURKISTAN REUNION | Eleanor Holgate Lattimore | Hurst & Blackett, Ltd. London | 286 | Dolap No.36-5 | 38 | |||
159 | Turkistan Solo | Ella Maillart | 1985 | Century Publishing London | 334 | Dolap No.36-5 | 39 | ||
160 | Uyghur FolK-lore & Legends 2009 | Abela Publishing London | 2009 | Abela Publishing London | 169 | Dolap No.36-5 | 40 | ||
161 | Wandering's in Chinese Turkistan | E. G. Kemp. | 1914 | Anglo-American Publications, Fetter House, Fetter Lande, London, E.C.4. | 31 | Dolap No.36-5 | 41 | ||
162 | XINJIANG - Land der Zukunft | Lu Yun | 1987 | Biejing- Rundschau-Reihe | 143 | Dolap No.36-5 | 42 | ||
163 | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Pictorial Editorial Committee | Xinjiang Photographic Art Press | Dolap No.36-5 | 43 | ||||
164 | Xinjiang / Sinkiang | Oskar Weggel | 1985 | Hamburg | 242 | Dolap No.36-5 | 44 | ||
165 | Xinjiang Today | Chen Da JUN | Xinjiang External Cultural Exchanges Association | 181 | Dolap No.36-5 | 45 | |||
166 | Xinjiang-the-Land-and-the People | The Book Xinjiang | 1989 | New World Press Beijing | 255 | Dolap No.36-5 | 46 | ||
167 | Xinjiang's Gems And Jades | Yang Hanchen, Yi Xianrui... | 1986 | Xinjiang Peopl/s Publishing House | 164 | Dolap No.36-5 | 47 | 47 | |
168 | A Grammar of Orkhon Turkic | Jalat Jekin | 1968 | Indiana Universisy, Bloomington Mouton & Co., The Hague, The Netherlands | 419 | Dolap No.36-6 | 1 | ||
169 | A Short Sketch of Tajik Grammar | V. S. Rastorgueva | 1963 | Indiana University, Bloomington Mouton & Co. | 110 | Dolap No.36-6 | 2 | ||
170 | Agriculture and Horticulture in Central Asia in The Early Years of The Twentieth Century With and Excursus on Fishing 1998 | Gunnar Jarring | 1998 | Almqvist & Wiksell International Stockholm Sweden | 79 | Dolap No.36-6 | 3 | ||
171 | Alt - Orientalische Rorschungen | 1982 | Akademie-Verlag Berlin | 218 | Dolap No.36-6 | 4 | |||
172 | Chagatay Manual | Janos Eckmann | 1966 | Indiana University Publications Uralic & Altaic Series | 340 | Dolap No.36-6 | 5 | ||
173 | Chuvash Studies | Andras Rona-Tas | 1982 | Akademiai Kiado, Budapest | 305 | Dolap No.36-6 | 6 | ||
174 | COMMON VOICE | 1992 | Journal of the Allied Committee | 52 | Dolap No.36-6 | 2 Volumes | 8 | ||
175 | GARMENTS FROM TOP TO TOE | GUNNAR JARRING | 1992 | LUND | 93 | Dolap No.36-6 | 9 | ||
176 | Geography of The U SS R A Regional Survey | Theodore Shabad | 1951 | Columbia University Press New York | 584 | Dolap No.36-6 | 10 | ||
177 | International Journal of Middle East Studies | 2003 | Cambridge University Press | Dolap No.36-6 | 8 volumes | 18 | |||
178 | Introduction A L'etude Del'eurasie Centrale | Denis Sinor | 1963 | Oyyo Harrassowitz Wiesbaden | 371 | Dolap No.36-6 | 19 | ||
179 | Islamic Literature And Introductory History With Selections | Najib Ullah | 1963 | Washington Square Press, Inc. New York | 441 | Dolap No.36-6 | 20 | ||
180 | Kirghiz Manual | Raymond J. Hebert and Nicbolas Poppe | 1963 | Indiana University Publications | 152 | Dolap No.36-6 | 21 | ||
181 | Kushan Studies in U. S. S. R. | B. Gafurov * M. Asimov * G. M. Bongard-Levin.. | 1970 | Indian Studies Past & Present | 186 | Dolap No.36-6 | 22 | ||
182 | Literary Texts From Kashghar Edited And Translated With Notes And Glossary | Gunnar Jarring | 1980 | CWK GLEERUP | 156 | Dolap No.36-6 | 23 | ||
183 | MANAS+10801082:1085 | Tologon Kozubekov | 1995 | National Commission of the Kirghiz Republic for Unesco | 461 | Dolap No.36-6 | 2 Volumes | 25 | |
184 | MATERIALS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF EASTERN TURKI | GUNNAR JARRING | 1948 | LUND C. W. K. GLEERUP | 182 | Dolap No.36-6 | The Cover was made by turkistani library to improve image of the site | 26 | |
185 | MODERN UIGUR | E.N. Nadzhip | 1971 | Nauka Publishing House Moscow | 155 | Dolap No.36-6 | 27 | ||
186 | Natural Regions of the U. S. S. R. | L. S. Berg | 1950 | The Macmillan Company | 436 | Dolap No.36-6 | 28 | ||
187 | Soviet Foreign Policy and International Relations Progress | O. B. Borisov, B. T. Koloskov | 1975 | Progress Publishers Moscow | 366 | Dolap No.36-6 | 29 | ||
188 | SPOKEN UYGHUR | Reinhard F. Hahn, in collaboration with Ablahat Ibrahim | 1991 | University of Washington Press London | 632 | Dolap No.36-6 | 30 | ||
189 | Stimulants Among The Turks of Eastern Turkestan An Eastern Turki Text | Gunnar Jarring | 1993 | Almqvist & Wiksell International Stockholm, Sweden | 35 | Dolap No.36-6 | 31 | ||
190 | Studien zu Einer Ostturkischen Lautlehre 1933 | Gunnar Jarring | 1933 | Lund Borelius/ Lund Leipzig Otto Harrassowitz | 53 | Dolap No.36-6 | 32 | ||
191 | Tatar Manula | Nichoas Poppe | 1968 | Indiana University, Bloomington Mouton & Co. | 271 | Dolap No.36-6 | 33 | ||
192 | The Moen Collection of Eastern Turki ( New Uighur ) Popular poetry | Gunnar Jarring | 1996 | Almqvist & Wiksell International Stockholm Sweden | 46 | Dolap No.36-6 | 34 | ||
193 | The Sovıet Union in the third world | ROBERT H.DONALDSON | 1981 | LONDON | 458 | Dolap No.36-6 | 35 | ||
194 | The Turkic Languages And Literatures of Central Asia | Rudolf Loewenthal | 1957 | Mouton & Co. 's- Gravenhage | 212 | Dolap No.36-6 | The Turkic Languages of Central Asia: Problems of Planned Culture Contact. 1960 | 36 | |
195 | The U. S. S. R. And The Middle East | M. Confino and S. Shamir | 1973 | Transaction Books New Brunswick, New Jersey | 441 | Dolap No.36-6 | 37 | ||
196 | Turkic Languages | Lars Johanson | 1997 | Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden | 16 | Dolap No.36-6 | 38 | ||
197 | Union Catalogue of Persian Serials & Newspapers in British Libraries | Ursula Sims - Williams | 1985 | Ithaca Press London | 149 | Dolap No.36-6 | 39 | ||
198 | Versuch Eines Worterbuches Der Turk - Dialecte 1 | Radloff | 1960 | Mouton & Co . s-Gravenhage | 1914 | Dolap No.36-6 | 4 VOLUmes | 43 | |
199 | Worterverzeichnis Zu G. Raquettes Ausgabe Von Taji Bila Zohra | GUNNAR JARRING | 1930 | Dolap No.36-6 | 44 | ||||
200 | Yusuf Balasaguni Beneficent Knowledge 1998 | Rustan Rahmanaliev and Ildan Gabbasov | 1998 | Moskow & Bishkek | 510 | Dolap No.36-6 | 45 | 45 | |
201 | Ancient of the Eurasian and North American Grasslands Nomads | ELENAPONOMARENKO AND IAN DYCK | 2007 | CANADIAN MUSEUM OF CIVILIZATION CORRPORATION | 168 | Dolap No.36-7 | 1 | ||
202 | Dictionary of Khotan Saka | H. W. Bailey | 1979 | Cambridge University Press | 559 | Dolap No.36-7 | DICTIONARY OF KHOTAN SAKA | 2 | |
203 | J.-L. Dutreuil De Rhins. Mission Scientifique Dans La Haute Asie, 1890-1895. Ptie.Le Turkestan Et Le Tibet, Etude Ethnographique Et Sociologique,Par F. Grenard | Fernand Grenard | 1898 | Ernest Leroux, Editeur Paris | 476 | Dolap No.36-7 | 3 | ||
204 | Kashgaria ( Eastern or chinese turkistan) Historical And Geographical Sketch of The Country Its Military Strength, Industries And Trade . 1882 | A. N. Kuropatkin | 1882 | Calcutta: Thacker, Spink And Co. | 255 | Dolap No.36-7 | 4 Volumes | 7 | |
205 | Land of Yesterday, Land of Tomorrow | Paul David and Peter Conklin | 1992 | Cobblehill Books/ Dutton New York | 84 | Dolap No.36-7 | 4 COPIES | 11 | |
206 | On The Siluro' Devonian Fauna of Chol ' tagh, Eastern T'ien,Shn | Gerhard Regnell | 1941 | The Geological Survey of China Nanking, | Dolap No.36-7 | 4 Volumes | 15 | ||
208 | Sino - Platonic Papers. | Mariko Namba Walter | 1998 | Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia,PA USA | 30 | Dolap No.36-7 | 19 | ||
209 | The Turkic Vocabulary in The Farhang IZafan Guya 8th 14th century | Robert Dankoff | 1987 | Indiana University Research Institute For Inner Asian Studies | No. 4 | Dolap No.36-7 | 28 VOLUMES | 47 | |
210 | Transdex Natural Conditions in the Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region | 1960 | CCM Information Corporation A subsidiard of Crowell collier and Macmillan, Inc. | Dolap No.36-7 | 15 Volumes | 62 | 62 | ||
211 | A Desert Journal Letters From Central Asia | Evangfline french Mildred Cable | 1934 | Constable & Co Ltd London | 261 | Dolap No.36-8 | 1 | ||
212 | Across The Gobi Desert | Sven Hedin | 1931 | George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. | 402 | Dolap No.36-8 | 2 | ||
213 | Across The Gobi Desert | Sven Hedin | 1931 | George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. | 402 | Dolap No.36-8 | 3 | ||
214 | Across the Great Deserts | P. T. Etherton | 1948 | Lutterworth Press London | 183 | Dolap No.36-8 | 4 | ||
215 | An English Lady in Chinese Turkistan | Lady Macartney | 1931 | Ernest Benn Limited London | 236 | Dolap No.36-8 | 5 | ||
216 | Arkat Tagh The Mysterious Mountains | William Holgate | 1994 | The Ernest Press | 154 | Dolap No.36-8 | 6 | ||
217 | BIG Horse's Plight | Sven Hedin | 1936 | Macmillan And Co. Ltd. London | 247 | Dolap No.36-8 | 7 | ||
218 | Chinese Central Asia | C. P. Skrine | 1926 | Barnes & Noble, Inc. New York Methuen & Co.Ltd Lodon | 302 | Dolap No.36-8 | 8 | ||
219 | Compendium on cystic Echinococcosis With Special Reference to The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region | Dr. Ferron L. Andersen | 1993 | Brigham Young University USA | 235 | Dolap No.36-8 | 9 | ||
220 | Forbidden Journey - From Peking To Kashmir | Ella K. Maillart | 1937 | William Heinemann Ltd London | 312 | Dolap No.36-8 | 10 | ||
221 | George Hunter Apostle of Turkestan | Mildred Cable and Francesca French | 1948 | China Inland Mission London | 107 | Dolap No.36-8 | 11 | ||
222 | In The Heart of Asia | Lieut - Colonel P. T. Etherton | 1925 | Cnstable And Company LTD London | 305 | Dolap No.36-8 | 12 | ||
223 | Institut Des Langues Orientales Collections Scientifiques | 1971 | Amsterdam/ Celibus N.V. | 216 | Dolap No.36-8 | 13 | |||
224 | Kapchigai Defile | E. M. Turner | 1980 | Athenaeum With Frederick Muller | 172 | Dolap No.36-8 | 14 | ||
225 | Kazak Exodus | Godfrey Lias | 1956 | Evans Brothers Limited London | 230 | Dolap No.36-8 | 15 | ||
226 | Khotanese Texts I - III | H. W. Bailey | 1969 | Cambridge University Press | 149 | Dolap No.36-8 | 16 | ||
227 | My Russian Jailers in China | Georg Vasel | 1937 | Hurst & Blackett, Ltd London | 288 | Dolap No.36-8 | 17 | ||
228 | News From Tartary | Peter Fleming | 1936 | Jonathan Cape Thirty Bedford Square London | 384 | Dolap No.36-8 | 18 | ||
229 | NEY ELIAS | Gerald Morgan | 1971 | George Allen & Unwin Ltd London | 294 | Dolap No.36-8 | 19 | ||
230 | Recollections of A JOURNEY, Through Tartary, Thibet. And China, During The Years 1844-46 | M. HUC | 1852 | Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. London | 313 | Dolap No.36-8 | 20 | ||
231 | Sir Aurel Stein | Jeannette Mirsky | 1977 | The University of Chicago Press | 585 | Dolap No.36-8 | 21 | ||
232 | The Gobi Desert | Mildred Cable with Francesca French | 1942 | Hodder And Stoughton Limited London | 303 | Dolap No.36-8 | 22 | ||
233 | The Heart of A Continent | Sir Francis Younghusband | 1896 | John Murray, Albemarle Street, W. | 246 | Dolap No.36-8 | 23 | ||
234 | The Wandering Lake | Sven Hedin | 1937 | George Routledge & Sons, Ltd. London | 293 | Dolap No.36-8 | 24 | ||
235 | Through Central Asia | Henry Lansdell, D.D. | 1978 | Kraus Reprint | 668 | Dolap No.36-8 | 25 | ||
236 | Through Deserts And Oases of Central Asia | Miss Ella Sykes | 1920 | Macmillan And Co., Limited St. London | 340 | Dolap No.36-8 | This Book talks about East Turkistan | 26 | |
237 | Travels in Tartary | Peter Fleming | 1934 | Jonathan Cape Thirty Bedford Square London | 603 | Dolap No.36-8 | 27 | ||
238 | Where Three Empires Meet | E.F. Knight | 1971 | Ching Wen Publishing Company Taipei | 528 | Dolap No.36-8 | 28 | ||
239 | Wilfred Skrede Actoss The Roof of the World | Wilfred Skrede | 1954 | The Travel Book Club London, W. C.2 | 255 | Dolap No.36-8 | 29 | 29 | |
240 | IN TO XINJIANG | Xinjiang Association of International Cultural Exchange | 1998 | The Xinjiang Art and Photography Publishing Press | |||||
241 | Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and Kashgar | Robert Shaw | 1984 | Oxford University Press Hong Kong | 486 |
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