List of the Books in Bookshelf 35

1 Programming Visual FoxPro 3.0 WHIL HENTZEN 1955 ZD 864 Dolap No.35-1   1 Dolap No.35-1

4 PASCAL Elliot B. Koffman 1993 Addison-Wesley 862 Dolap No.35-1   4  
5 Multi-Lingual Scholar Gamma  1992 Gamma 386 Dolap No.35-1   5  
6 Introduction to COMPUTER SCIENCE  NEILL GRAHAM 1982 West 553 Dolap No.35-1 2 COPIES 1 IN 36-1 7  
7 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS CHARLES A. GROSS 1986 John wiley & sons 593 Dolap No.35-1   8  
8 Microsoft Fortran Compiler Microsoft Cooperation 1984 Microsoft Cooperation 233 Dolap No.35-1   9  
9 Data Flex Applications Development Database Data access Cooperation   Data access Cooperation 479 Dolap No.35-1   10  
10 Build Your Own 80486 Pc and Save A Bundle AUBREY PILGRIM 1991 Windcrest 220 Dolap No.35-1 4 VOLUMES 3 COPIES OF 80486 AND 1 COPY IN 36-1 14  
11 BUILDING VISUAL FOXPRO 5 APPLICATIONS Barrie Sosinsky 1997 IDG 622 Dolap No.35-1   15  
12 Visual FoxPro 5 FOR Dummies IDG 1997 IDG 364 Dolap No.35-1   16  
14 Upgrade Your IBM Compatible and Save a Bundle  AUBREY PILGRIM 245 WINDCREST 1990 Dolap No.35-1 3 COPIES 2 IN 36-1 20  
15 TRUE BASIC  John G. Kemeny, Thomas E. Kurtz 1985 Addison-Wesley 330 Dolap No.35-1   21  
16 Peter Norton's Assembly Language Book for the IBM PC PETER NORTON, JOHN SOCHA 1986 PRENTICE-HALL 413 Dolap No.35-1   22  
17 TECHNICAL C++ Andrew C. Staugaard, Jr. 1994 PRENTICE-HALL 530 Dolap No.35-1   23  
19 INTRODUCTION TO WORK STUDY George kanawaty 1992 International Labour Orrganistation 523 Dolap No.35-1   26  
20 WORK STUDY Prof. Madbuli H. Noweir    King abdul aziz university 175 Dolap No.35-1   27  
21 Some Important Continuous Distributions The Uniform Distribution   The Uniform Distribution 621 Dolap No.35-1   28  
22 Simulation Using GPSS Thomas J.Schriber 1974 JOHN WILEY & SONS 532 Dolap No.35-1   29  
24 Our Muslim Brothers of Central Asia Mohammaed Sultan Khan 1991 International Islamic Relief Organization Research Study on Muslim of Central Asia 79 Dolap No.35-2   1 Dolap No.35-2

25 The Art of Central Asia Galina Pugachenkova Akbar Khakimov 1988 Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad 278 Dolap No.35-2   2  
26 destination Papua New Guinea Dr. Suzanne Campbell-Jones 1995 Destination Papua New Guinea, Pty Ltd 360 Dolap No.35-2   3  
27 Kazakhsta   1995 Flint River Press Ltd 288 Dolap No.35-2   4  
28 The Origins of the Volga Bulghars Istvan Zimonyi 1990 Szeged 211 Dolap No.35-2   5  
29 Geography of the Muslim World Mushtaqur Rahman & Guljan Rahman 1997 IQRA 319 Dolap No.35-2   6  
30 Caravans to Tartary Roland and Sabrina Michaud 1977 Thames and Hudson 76 Dolap No.35-2   7  
31 Statistical Yearbook for Asia And The Pacific   1991 United Nations Nations Unies 467 Dolap No.35-2 Statistica Yearbook for Asia And The Pacific Annuaire Statistique Pour L'Asie Et Le Pacifique 1991. 8  
32 History of Humanity From the Seventh to the Sixteenth Century M A AI-Bakhit, L Bazin and S M Cissoko 2000 Consultant R. Mantran 682 Dolap No.35-2   9  
33 Central Asian Painting Mario Bussagli 1979 SKIRA Rizzoli New York 135 Dolap No.35-2 Central Asian Painting From Afghanistan to Sinkiang  1979 10  
34 Some Biochemical Effects of Long Term Administration of Jurak Smoke Condensate in Mice Adil. R. E. Ahmad 1988 King Abdul-Aziz University 45 Dolap No.35-2   11  
35 Khawarizm Amjad Bohumil Prochazka   MARP 161 Dolap No.35-2   12  
36 IRCICA 1980-2000 Zeynep Durukal Abuhusayn 2000 Yildz Yayincilik, Reklamcilik Tic. San. A.ŞÇ 295 Dolap No.35-2   13  
37 The Hıstory of Central Asıa Chrıstoph Baumer 2012 I.B.Tauris London 372 Dolap No.35-2   14  
38 The Buryats Traditions & Culture TpaTypa 1994 Soyol 289 Dolap No.35-2   15  
39 National Geographic Atlas of The World   1995 National Geographic Society 134 Dolap No.35-2   16  
40 national geographic  nahdetmisr 2007 nahdetmisr 191 Dolap No.35-2   17  
41 bukhara amjad bohumil prochazka 1993 marp 120 Dolap No.35-2   18  
42 proses dakwah kepadamuslim  kebawah duli 1997 islamic dawah centre 60 Dolap No.35-2   19 19
43 Islam In East Asia History & Cultural Harmony 1997   1997 Sponsored by World Muslim League Korea Research Foundation 273 Dolap No.35-3 2 copies 1 in 39-5 2 Dolap No.35-3

44 The Changing Map of Asia W.G.East,O.H.K.Spate 1950 Methuen & Co Ltd 678 Dolap No.35-3   3  
45 The Protection of Minorities and Human Rights Yoram Dinstein Mala Tabory 1992 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 537 Dolap No.35-3   4  
46 Turkish And English Lexicon Sir James W. Redhouse, k,C.M.G.,LL.D. 1974 Librairie DU Liban Beirut 2224 Dolap No.35-3   5  
47 The Muslim Almanac Azim A. Nanji 1996 Gale Research Inc. 581 Dolap No.35-3   6  
48 Central Asia: Conflict or Stability and Development ? Minority Rights Group 1997 Shirin Akiner 53 Dolap No.35-3   7  
49 A New Dictionary of Scientific & technical terms Ahmad Sh. Al-Khatib 1971 Librairie Du Liban 751 Dolap No.35-3   8  
50 The Future of Islam in the 15th Century of Hijra Aal al-Bayt Foundation For Islamic Thought 2002 Amman- Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 49 Dolap No.35-3   9  
51 Education and the Muslim World Niaz Erfan & Zahid A. Valie 1995 Institute of Policy Studies The Islamic Foundation 114 Dolap No.35-3   10  
52 Muslim Peoples Richnographic Survey 1978 Richard V. Weekes 546 Dolap No.35-3   11  
53 Yearbook 1996 Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Christopher A. Mullen 1997 Kluwer Law International 339 Dolap No.35-3 2 copies 13  
54 Islamic Studies in Asean Dr. Isma-ae Alee 2000 College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University 513 Dolap No.35-3   14  
55 A Historical Introduction to Islamic Theology Robert Caspar 1998 Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d' Islamistica 278 Dolap No.35-3   15  
56 Chinese-English Dictionary Herbert A. Giles 1892 Ch' eng-wen Publishing Co. 1711 Dolap No.35-3   16  
57 The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions John Bowker 1997 Oxford University Press New York 1111 Dolap No.35-3   17  
58 Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary Merriam-Welster 1976 G. & C. Merriam Company Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A 1535 Dolap No.35-3   18  
59 The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language William Morris 1969 Houghton Mifflin Company / Boston 1550 Dolap No.35-3   19  
60 Economic Cooperation Among Islamic Countries Dr. Haşmet Başar 1994 Müsıad Research Reports-8 88 Dolap No.35-3   20  
61 The Participation of The Republic of China on Taiwan in The United Nations:   1994 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of China 17 Dolap No.35-3   21  
62 Aspects of Slavery   1984 K.C.M.G.P. Nassau, Bahamas. 52 Dolap No.35-3   22  
63 Subcontractor's Monograph Hraf-49 American U.-1 Soviet Central Asia Human Relations Area Files, Ing. 1956 Bureau of Social Science Research, American University   Dolap No.35-3 total 4 volumes - 2 harf-49   2harf-59  24 24
64 Sinicization Beyond the Great Wall Anwar Rahman 2007 Matador (10 April 2007) 170 Dolap No.35-4 Sinicization Beyond the Great Wall: China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region 1 Dolap No.35-4

65 England, Russia And Central Asia Mohammad Anwar Khan 1963 University Book Agency Peshawar 356 Dolap No.35-4   2  
66 Central Asian Monuments Hasan B. paksoy 1992 The Isis Press Istanbul 173 Dolap No.35-4   3  
67 The Turks of Central Asia Marie A. Czaplicka 1973 Philo Press Amsterdam 242 Dolap No.35-4   4  
68 Foreign Devils on the Silk Road Peter Hopkirk 1980 John Murray London 252 Dolap No.35-4   5  
69 The Sinkiang Story Jack Chen 1977 Macmillan Publishing Co.INC.NewYork 386 Dolap No.35-4   6  
70 Shadow of the Silk Road Colin Thubron 2006 Harper Perennial New York 363 Dolap No.35-4   7  
71 Chinese Nuclear Tests Xitayning Yadro Sinaqliri Jun Takada 1973 Iryokagakush sapporo Medical University 153 Dolap No.35-4   8  
72 40 Dys and 1001 Nights Tamalyn Dallal 2008 Jaico Publishing House 308 Dolap No.35-4   9  
73 History of the Khitans Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. 2009 alphascript Publishing 171 Dolap No.35-4   10  
74 Turkistan Tumult Aitchen K. Wu 1940 Methuen & Co.Ltd. London 278 Dolap No.35-4   11  
75 Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Mariam T. Tennoe, Susan F. Henssonow 2010 Betascript Publishing 133 Dolap No.35-4   12  
76 These Wonderful People of Xinjiang Lisa Carducci 2008 Foreign Languages Press 271 Dolap No.35-4   13  
77 Uyghur Vernacular Architecture Rushan Ruzi 2010 Lambert 50 Dolap No.35-4   14  
78 Alluring Target Kenneth Wimmel 1996 Trackless Sands Press 256 Dolap No.35-4   15  
79 Utrecht Papers on Central Asia Mark van Damme and Hendrik Boeschoten 1985 Utrech Turkological Series 286 Dolap No.35-4   16  
80 Alpamysh H. B. Paksoy 1989 Hartford, Connecticut 171 Dolap No.35-4   17  
81 The Resurgence of Central Asia Ahmed Rashid 1994 Oxford University Press 278 Dolap No.35-4   18  
82 Central Asians Under Russian Rule Elizabeth E. Bacon 1966 Cornell University Press 273 Dolap No.35-4   19  
83 Die Wirtschaftsprobleme Turkestans Dr. Baymirza Hayit 1968 Ankara 244 Dolap No.35-4   20  
84 Islam in Central Asia Ludmila Polonskaya 1994 Ithaca Press 171 Dolap No.35-4   21  
85 Muslims in Central Asia Jo-Ann Gross 1992 Duke University Press 224 Dolap No.35-4   22  
86 Modern Central Asia Ram Rahul 1979 Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 100 Dolap No.35-4   23  
87 Central Asia John King 1996 Lonely Planet 539 Dolap No.35-4   24  
88 Prolegomena J. Harmatta 1979 Akademiai Kiado Budapest 339 Dolap No.35-4   25  
89 Peoples of Central asia Lawrence Krader 1963 Indian University Publications 296 Dolap No.35-4   26  
90 From The Gulf to Central Asia Anoushiravan Ehteshami 1994 University of Exeter Press 242 Dolap No.35-4   27  
91 Central Asia And Kashmir K. Warikoo 1989 Gian Publishing House Delhi 264 Dolap No.35-4   28  
92 Soviet Central Asia William Fierman 1991 Westview Press 328 Dolap No.35-4   29  
93 The Empire of the Steppes a History of Central Asia Grousset 1970 Rutgers University Press 687 Dolap No.35-4   30  
94 Beyond The Oxus Edgar Knobloch 1972 London Ernest Benn Limited 255 Dolap No.35-4   31  
95 Politics of Central Asia Ram Rahul 1974 Curzon Press 185 Dolap No.35-4   32  
96 Central Asia A Traveller's Copanion Kathleen Hopkirk 1993 John Murray 292 Dolap No.35-4   33  
97 Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia From the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries Michael Kemper 1996 Klaus Schwarz Verlag 482 Dolap No.35-4   34  
98 Central Asia Edward Allworth 1989 Duke University Press London 6006 Dolap No.35-4 Central Asia 120 Years of Russian Rule 35  
99 II. Geodesy 1 Latitude and Longitude Determinations in Eastern Turkistan Nils Ambolt 1938 Bokrorlags Aktiebolaget Thule Stockholm   Dolap No.35-4 II. Geodesy 1 Latitude anad Longitude Determinations in Eastrn Turkistan and Northern Tibet Derived From Astronomical Observations 36  
100 III. Geology 1 Geology of Western Quruq Tagh Eastern T'ien Shan Erik Norin 1937 Bokrorlags Aktiebolaget Thule. Stockholm XLIII Dolap No.35-4 III. Geology 1 Geology of Western Quruq Tagh Eastern T'ien Shan. 1937 37  
101 I. Geography 2 Sven Hedin Central Asia Atlas. Memoir on Maps N. P. Ambolt and E. Norin 1967 The Sven Hedin Foundation... Stockholm 148 Dolap No.35-4   38  
102 CHECHEN ARMS Isa Askhabov 2001 Klub Kavkaz, Moscow 238 Dolap No.35-4   39  
103 Self-Determination In Soviet Central Asia Problems and Prospects ALEXANDRE BENNIGSEN 1956 ASIAN - AFRICAN RESEARCH GROUP 12 Dolap No.35-4 3 volumes 2 in 38-7 42  
104 Dısıntegration Of Sovıet Union And Emergence Of Muslim Central Asia IDREES SIDDIQUI 1991 PAKISTAN INSTITUE OF NATIONAL AFFAIRS 32 Dolap No.35-4   43  
105 Achievements  of the Saudi High Commission Relief for Bosnia & Herzegovinia : A Brief Report GHAINAA 1992 IZVRSNI ODBOR 22+22 Dolap No.35-4   44 44
106 History of Central Asia Rahula Sankrityayana 1964 New Age Publishers Private Ltd. Calcuta. New Delhi 307 Dolap No.35-5   1    
107 State, Religion And Society in Central Asia A post-Soviet Critique Vitaly Naumkin 1993 Ithaca Press 289 Dolap No.35-5   2    
108 India in Early Central Asia B.N. Mukherjee 1996 Harman Publishing House, New Delhi 116 Dolap No.35-5   3    
109 Former Soviet South Project Gareth Winrow 1995 The Royal Institute of International Affairs 53 Dolap No.35-5 2 volumes 5    
110 Recueil D'itineraires Et De Voyages   1974 PHILO PRESS AMSTERDAM 380 Dolap No.35-5   6    
111 Cultural Change And Continuity in Central Asia Shirin Akiner 1991 Kegan Paul International London 377 Dolap No.35-5   7    
112 India China Boundary in Kashmir Hriday Nath Kaul 2009 Gyan Publishing House Dailhi 343 Dolap No.35-5   8    
113 UYGHUR READER Nabijan Tursun 2007 Dunwoody Press 217 Dolap No.35-5   9    
114 The North American Muslim Resource Guide Mohamed Nimer 2002 Routledge New York 332 Dolap No.35-5   10    
115 Barbarians and Mandarins Nigel Cameron 1970 The University of Chicago Press 443 Dolap No.35-5 Thirteen Centuries of Western Travelers in China. 11    
116 The Soviet Caucasus David Tutaeff 1942 George G. Harrap co. ltd London 208 Dolap No.35-5   12    
117 Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Central Asia 1810-1895 Gerald Morgan 1981 Frank Cass 264 Dolap No.35-5   13    
118 Armenia and Armenians in the World Grigor Avagian 1993 Yerevan 80 Dolap No.35-5   14    
119 Proto-Religions in Central Asia Charles Graves 1994 Brockmeyer 223 Dolap No.35-5   15    
120 Buddhism in Central Asia Dr. Kshanika Saha 1970 Firmal K. L. Muhopadhyay 162 Dolap No.35-5 2 volumes 17    
121 China And The Soviet Union Aitchen K. WU, Ph.d. London 1950 Kennikat Press, INC/ port Washington 434 Dolap No.35-5   18    
122 Studies on Chinese and Islamic Inner Asia Joseph F. Fletcher 1995 Variorum XI Dolap No.35-5   19    
123 Islam In Asia John L. Esposito 1987 Oxford University Press New York 272 Dolap No.35-5   20    
124 Imaginary Muslims Julian Baldick 1993 New York University Press 266 Dolap No.35-5   21    
125 Everydy Islam Sergei P. Poliakov 1992 Armonk, New York 155 Dolap No.35-5   22    
126 Turkey and the New States of the Caucasus and Central Asia Bulent Gokay 1996 London HMSO 36 Dolap No.35-5   23    
127 Central Asia Tradition & Change Abstracts 1987 Central Asia 110 Dolap No.35-5 4 volumes 27    
128 Caucasus: War And Peace Mehmet Tutuncu ( Ed.) 1998 SOT 221 Dolap No.35-5   28    
129 Peoples And Languages of The Caucasus Bernard Geiger 1959 Mouton & Co. 77 Dolap No.35-5   29    
130 Studies in Caucasian History V. Minorsky 1953 London: Taylor's Foreign Press 169 Dolap No.35-5   30    
131 Language Aspects of Ethnic Patterns And Processes in The North Caucasus Ronald Wixman 1980 The University of Chicago 243 Dolap No.35-5   31    
132 USSR   1989 Novosti Press Agency 94 Dolap No.35-5   32    
133 The Antique Land Diana Shipton 1987 Hong Kong Oxford New York Oxford University Press 218 Dolap No.35-5   33    
134 The Nation Killers Macmikkan 1970 Macmillan 222 Dolap No.35-5   34    
135 The Punished Peoples Aleksandr M. Nekrich 1978 W. W. Norton & Company . Inc New York 238 Dolap No.35-5   35    
136 Learning Russian N. Potapova   Progress Publishers Moscow 207 Dolap No.35-5 4 volumes 39    
137 Soviet Strategy & Islam Alexandre Bennigsen Paul B. 1989 MAcmillan 182 Dolap No.35-5   40    
138 Territorial Claims in the Sino-Soviet Conflict Dennis J. Doolin 1965 Hoover Institution Studies 77 Dolap No.35-5   41    
139 Muslims of Central Asia and Russia Muhammad Iqbal Khan 1993 The Islamic Foundation 28 Dolap No.35-5   42    
140 Women Labour Force Ajay Patnaik 1989 New Literature New Delhi 228 Dolap No.35-5   43    
141 The Peoples of The Soviet Union Viktor Kozlov 1988 The Second World 262 Dolap No.35-5   44    
142 CENTRAL ASIA PHRASEBOOK JUSTIN JON RUDELSON 1998 LONEYLY PLANET 239 Dolap No.35-5 2 volumes 1 in 37-5 46    
145 MANAS ILIM 1994 ILIM 255 Dolap No.35-5   49   49
146 Csame Working Paper Dr. Mark McGillivray 1996 Deakin 58 Dolap No.35-6 2 volumes 2    
147 Soviet Russian Colonialism And Imperialism in Turkistan Dr. Baymirza Hayit 1965 A Y Y ildiz Matbaasi Yenisehir Ankara 120 Dolap No.35-6   3    
148 Ethnic Nationalities in The Soviet Union Rocky L. Rockett 1981 Praeger 171 Dolap No.35-6   4    
149 Muslims in The Soviet Union Muhammad Safwat El-Saqqa Amini 1982 Muslim World League 58 Dolap No.35-6   5    
150 Russia's Muslim Frontiers Dale F. Eickelman 1993 Indiana University Press 206 Dolap No.35-6   6    
151 Russia and Nationalism in Central Asia Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone 1970 The Johns Hopkins Press London 325 Dolap No.35-6   7    
152 Perestroika in The Soviet Republics Charles F. Furtando, Jr. 1992 Westview Press 646 Dolap No.35-6   8    
153 Moscow's Muslim Challenge Michael Rywkin 1982 Soviet Central Asia 183 Dolap No.35-6   9    
154 Russia And Kazan Jaroslaw Pelenski 1974 Mouton the Hague. Paris 368 Dolap No.35-6   10    
155 Soviet Asian Ethnic Frontiers William O. Mocagg, Jr. 1979 Pergamon Policy Studies 280 Dolap No.35-6   11    
156 Russia and the West in Iran, 1918-1948 George Lenczowski 1968 Greenwood Press, Publishers New York 383 Dolap No.35-6   12    
157 The Royal Hordes Nomad Peoples of the Steppes E. D. Phillips 1965 Library of the Early Civilizations 144 Dolap No.35-6   13    
158 Russia And The Golden Horde Charles J. Halperin 1985 Indiana University Press. Bloomington 180 Dolap No.35-6   14    
159 The Soviet Tragedy Martin Malia 1994 The Free Press New Yoek 575 Dolap No.35-6   15    
160 Soviet Central Asia Boris Z. Rumer 1989 Boston Unwin Hyman London 204 Dolap No.35-6   16    
161 SOVIET UNION a Country Study Raymond E. Zickel 1991 Federal Research Division Library of Congress 1068 Dolap No.35-6   17    
162 Gunnar Jarring Christopber Toll 1977   70 Dolap No.35-6   18    
163 BALKAN BAIKAL Aleksei Freidberg 1982 Planeta Publishers. Moscow   Dolap No.35-6   19    
164 China's Imperial Past Charles O. Hucker 1975 STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 474 Dolap No.35-6   20    
165 The Last Empire Robert Conquest 1986 Hoover Institution Stanford University 406 Dolap No.35-6   21    
166 Studies on the Soviet Union   1968 Institute for the Study of the Ussr   Dolap No.35-6 2 volumes 23    
167 Soviet Far East Allan Rodgers 1990 Routledge London 318 Dolap No.35-6   24    
168 Survey of The Sino-Soviet Dispute John Gittings 1968 The Royal Institute of International Affairs Oxford University Press 410 Dolap No.35-6   25    
169 Russia and the New States of Eurasia Karen Dawisha Bruce Parrott 1994 Cambridge University Press 437 Dolap No.35-6   26    
170 The Insider's Guide to Russia Gleb Uspensky 1993 MPC 210 Dolap No.35-6   27    
171 Muslims of the Soviet Empire A Guide Alexandre Bennigsen 1985 C. Hurst & Company, London 294 Dolap No.35-6   28    
172 Basic Industrial Resources of the U.S.S.R Theodore Shabad 1969 Columbia University Press 393 Dolap No.35-6   29    
173 A History of The Soviet Union Geoffry Hosking 1985 Fontana Press/Collins 556 Dolap No.35-6   30    
174 For Prophet and Tsar Robert D. Crews 2006 Islam And Empire in Russia And Central Asia 463 Dolap No.35-6   31    
175 Geography The China Handbook Editorial Committee 1983 Foreign Languages Press Beijing 260 Dolap No.35-6   32    
176 An Outline History of China Bai Shouyi 1982 Foreing Languages Press Beijing 565 Dolap No.35-6   33    
177 The Islamic Threat to the Soviet State Alexandre Bennigsen 1983 Croom Helm London 170 Dolap No.35-6   34    
178 Imperial Rivals S. C. M. Paine 1996 M.E. Sharpe Armonk, New York 417 Dolap No.35-6   35    
179 East of Tien Shan A. E. R. Publications 1998 S. Z. Ahmed, Ph.D 260 Dolap No.35-6   36    
180 The Early Empires of Central Asia William Montgomery Mcgovern 1939 The University of North Carolian Press 529 Dolap No.35-6   37    
181 TURKMENA  USSR 1972 USSR 43 Dolap No.35-6   38    
182 L'EMPIRE ECLATE HELENE CARRERE 1978 FLAMMARION 383 Dolap No.35-6   39    
183 Tajikistan Mukhamed ASIMOV 1987 Novosti 74 Dolap No.35-6   40    
184 Tajikistan CHALIDZE  1994 CHALIDZE 148 Dolap No.35-6   41    
185 Latvia Monika ZILE 1987 Novosti 94 Dolap No.35-6   42    
187 Facts About The Tashkent Conference And The Condition Of Writers In Socialist Countries MEHMET EMIN BUGRA 1959 DOGUS 19 Dolap No.35-6   44    
188 AZERBAIJAN REVIEW AITF 2002 AITF 22+24 Dolap No.35-6   45    
190 TBLISI GEORGY KHUTSISHVILI 1979 DELO 110 Dolap No.35-6   47    
191 Tourist Attractions in GEORGIA Planeta 1986 Planeta 224 Dolap No.35-6   48    
192 The German-Islamic Institute Institute for Scientific and Cultural Cooperation   Institute for Scientific and Cultural Cooperation 12 Dolap No.35-6   49    
194 Map Of Soviet Central Asia & Kazakhstan BUKHARA 1962 BUKHARA 24 Dolap No.35-6   51    
196 China NEW STAR PUBLISHERS 2002 NEW STAR PUBLISHERS 191 Dolap No.35-6 2 volumes 1 in 37-5 54   54
197 Soviet Georgia K. D. Antadze 1972 Progress Publishers. Moscow 211 Dolap No.35-7   1    
198 The Azerbaijan SSR   1986 Rss d'Azerbaidjan 80 Dolap No.35-7   2    
199 Central Asia And The World Michael Mandelbaum 1994 A Council on Foreign Relations Press New York 251 Dolap No.35-7 Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan 3    
200 Azerbaijan Year Book 1994 Akif Abdullayev 1995 Azerbaijan: Policy And Economy Weekly Magazine Baku 230 Dolap No.35-7   4    
201 A History of The Peoples of Siberia James Forsyth 1992 Cambridge University Press 455 Dolap No.35-7   5    
202 A modern History of Georgia D. M. Lang 1962 The Weidenfeild and Nicolson 298 Dolap No.35-7   6    
203 A History of Armenia Vahan M. Kurkjian 1959 Armenian General Benevolent Union of America 526 Dolap No.35-7   7    
204 Islamic Civilisation in The Volga-Ural Region Ali Çaksu 2004 Reseach Centre For Islamıc Hıstory. Art ANd Culture 379 Dolap No.35-7   8    
205 In A Collapsing Empire Marco Buttino 1992 Feltrinelli Editore Milano 375 Dolap No.35-7   9    
206 Soviet armenia A. A. Aslanyan 1971 Progress Publishers Moscow 255 Dolap No.35-7   10    
207 The Golden Road To Samarkand Wilfrid Blunt 1973 The Viking Press 280 Dolap No.35-7   11    
208 Muslim National Communism in the Soviet Union Alexandre A. Bennigsen 1979 A Publication of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies 236 Dolap No.35-7   12    
209 STALIN Edward Radzinsky 1996 Authur of the Last Tsar 607 Dolap No.35-7   13    
210 Russia And Islam A Historical Survey Galina M. Yemelianova 2002 Studies in Russia & East European 243 Dolap No.35-7   14    
211 Uzbekistan Islom Karimov 1995 Tashkent - Uzbekiston 228 Dolap No.35-7   15    
212 Soviet Tajijistan Pavel Luknitsky 1954 Foreing Languages Publishing House Moscow 254 Dolap No.35-7   16    
213 Essays on Uzbek History, Culture, And Language Bakhtiyar A. Nazarov 1993 Indiana University 119 Dolap No.35-7   17    
214 TASHKENT V. Tyurikov 1983 Raduga Publishers Moscow 95 Dolap No.35-7   18    
215 Nationalism in Uzbekistan James Critchlow 1991 Westview Press 231 Dolap No.35-7   19    
216 Republic of Tatarstan Investor's Guide 1996 Kazan 126 Dolap No.35-7   20    
217 Crimean Tatars Protest Against Racial Discrimination The Mejlis of Crimean Tatar People 1998 Simferopol 55 Dolap No.35-7   21    
218 Marxism and the Muslim World Maxime Rodinson 1972 ZED Press London 229 Dolap No.35-7   22    
219 The Turkmens in The Age of Imperialism Prof. Dr. Mehmet Saray 1989 Turkish Historical Society Printing House - Ankara 276 Dolap No.35-7   23    
220 THE TATAR YOKE Charles J. Halperin 1986 Slavica Publishers, Inc. 231 Dolap No.35-7   24    
221 Requiem For A Would-Be Republic Thomas Caufield Goltz 1994 The Isis Press Istanbul 526 Dolap No.35-7   25    
222 Azerbaycan Aslihan Akman 2005 Ilke Yayincilik 112 Dolap No.35-7   26    
223 The Subtlest Battle Islam in Soviet Tajikistan Muriel Atkim 1989 Foreing Policy Research Institute 66 Dolap No.35-7   27    
224 Sketches of Central Asia Arminius Vambery 1970 Arno Press & The New York Times 444 Dolap No.35-7   28    
225 Tadhkirat al - awliya Farid ad - Din al - Attar 1994 Luni Editrice 382 Dolap No.35-7   29    
226 Mosques And Moslims in Bulgaria Sofia Press 1981 Sofia Press   Dolap No.35-7   30    
227 The Tauris Soviet Directory The Elite of The Ussr Today 1989 I. B. Tauris & Co ltd Publishers London 713 Dolap No.35-7   31    
228 A Collection of The Kazak Folk Art Designs The Kazak folk Art Designs Editorial Board 1979 The Xinjiang People's Publishing House 184 Dolap No.35-7   32    
229 A Collection of The Kazak Folk Art Designs The Kazak folk Art Designs Editorial Board 1979 The Xinjiang People's Publishing House 184 Dolap No.35-7   33   33
230 Marchen Der Seiden Strasse * Diederichs   1986 Eugen Diederichs Verlag   Dolap No.35-8   1    
231 Cultural Histories of Central Asia Rashmi Doraiswamy 2009 AAKAR 270 Dolap No.35-8   2    
232 Ethnic Conflict in Central Asia Dr. P. Geetha Lakshmi ph.d. 2003 Cosmo Publications 228 Dolap No.35-8   3    
233 Central Asia Political Ascendancy And Diplomatic Pulls Aftab Ahmed Khan 2002 Dilpreet Publishing House New Delhi 253 Dolap No.35-8   4    
234 The Azerbaijani Turks Audrey L. Altstadt 1992 Hoover Institution Press Stanford University 331 Dolap No.35-8 The Azerbaijani Turks Powe and Identity Under Russian Rule 5    
235 Pride of Small Nations Suzanne Goldenberg 1994 Zed Books Ltd London 233 Dolap No.35-8   6    
236 Islamization And Native Religion in The Golden Horde Devin Deweese 1994 The Pennsylvania State University Press 638 Dolap No.35-8 Islamization And Native Religion in The Golden Horde  Baba Tukles And Conversion to Islam in Historical And Epic Tradition 7    
237 The North Caucasus Barrier Abdurahman Avtorkhanov 1992 Hurst & Company, London 252 Dolap No.35-8   8    
238 The Crimean Tatars Martha Brill Olcott 1978 Hoover Institution Stanford University   Dolap No.35-8   9    
239 The Making of The Georgian Nation Ronald Grigor Suny 1988 Indiana University Press 418 Dolap No.35-8   10    
240 dictionnaire des nationalites et des minorites en U.R.S.S Roger Caratini 1990 Larousse 272 Dolap No.35-8   11    
241 The International Dimension of Post-Communist Transitions in Russia Karen Dawisha 1997 M. E. Sharpe Armonk, New York 462 Dolap No.35-8   12    
242 Mapping Central Asia Marlene Larulle 2011 Ashgate Publishing Ltd 248 Dolap No.35-8   13    
243 Political Culture And Civil Society in Russia And the New States of Eurasia Vladimir Tismaneanu 1995 M. E. Sharpe New York 384 Dolap No.35-8   14    
244 Economic Transition in Russia And The New States of Eurasia Bartlomiej Kaminski 1996 M. E. Sharpe Armonk, New York 430 Dolap No.35-8   15    
245 The Making of Foreign Policy in Russia And The New States of Eurasia Adeed Dawisha And Karen Dawisha 1995 M.E. Sharpe New York 360 Dolap No.35-8   16    
246 The Politics of Religion in Russia And The New States of Eurasia Michael Bourdeaux 1995 M. E. Sharpe 321 Dolap No.35-8   17    
247 The Legacy of History in Russia And The New States of Eurasia S. Frederick Starr 1994 M. E. Sharpe 313 Dolap No.35-8   18    
248 National Identity And Ethnicity in Russia And The New States of Eurasia Roman Szporluk 1994 M. E. Sharpe 328 Dolap No.35-8   19    
249 State Building And Military Power in Russia And The New States of Eurasia Bruce Parrott 1995 M. E. Sharpe 319 Dolap No.35-8   20    
250 Les Musulmans Oublies Alexandre Bennigsen 1981 Franconis Maspero 315 Dolap No.35-8   21    
251 The Nuclear Challenge in Russia And The New States of Eurasia George Quester 1995 M. E. Sharpe M.274 Dolap No.35-8   22    
252 The End of Empire The Transformation of The Ussr... Karen Dawisha and Bruce Parrott 1997 M. E. Sharpe 374 Dolap No.35-8   23    
253 Muslim Resistance to The Tsar Moshe Gammer 1994 Frank Cass 452 Dolap No.35-8 Shamil and the Conquest of Chechnia and Daghestan 24    
254 The Peoples of The Ussr An Ethnographic Handbook Ronald Wixman 1984 Macmillan Press London 230 Dolap No.35-8   25    
255 The Goloen Peaches of Samarkano Edward H. Schafer 1963 Berkeley Los Angeles London 398 Dolap No.35-8   26    
256 The Great Game Peter Hopkirk 1990 John Murray 562 Dolap No.35-8 The Great Game on Secret Service in High Asia. 27    
257 The volga tatars a profile in national resilience Azade-ayşe porlich 1986 Hoover institution stanford university 288 Dolap No.35-8   28    
258 The kazakhs Martha brill olcott 1987 Hoover institution stanford university 341 Dolap No.35-8   29    
259 The modern uzbeks Edward a.allworth 1990 Hoover institution stanford university 410 Dolap No.35-8   30    
260 Estonia and the estonians Toivo u.raun   Hoover institution stanford university 336 Dolap No.35-8   31    
261 Azerbaijan  Information for tourist   Ministry of youth sport and tourism 32 Dolap No.35-8   32    
262 The state commitee of azerbaijan republic for the work with religous associations Rafig y.aliyev 2002 Baku 33 Dolap No.35-8   33    
263 Assisting nations to cultivate peace after conflict United nations 2002 United nations 19 Dolap No.35-8   34    
264 Der islam 2 Fischer weltgeschichte 1971 Germany 486 Dolap No.35-8   35   35

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