Authors List

Osman Bakar Classification of Knowledge in Islam
Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Prolegomena to The Metaphysics of Islam
Dr. Mohammad Selim Egyption - Kazakh Comparative Perspectives
John Obert Voll ISLAM Continuity and Change in the Modern World
Sabrina P. Ramet Nationalism And Federalism in Yugoslavia 1962-1991
Zafar Ishaq Ansari Muslims And The West Encounter and Dialogue
Yusuf al-Qaradawi The Lawful And The Prohibited in Islam
Abdul - Majeed A. Zindani Human Development As Described in the Qur'an and Sunnah
Harun Yahya The Winter of Islam And The Spring To Come
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad Christian - Muslim Encounters
Badmas Lanre Yusuf Sayyid Qutb A Study of His Tafsir
Ali Bardakoglu Religion and Society New Perspectives From Turkey
John W. Welch Islamic Thought
Hriday Nath Kaul India China Boundary in Kashmir
V. D. Chopra Rise of Terrorism and Sucessionism in Eurasia
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad The Muslims of America
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad Islam,Gender, & Social Change
John L. Esposito Islam and Politics
Hassan Abdul-Hay Gazzaz The Security We enjoy
Mohammed Arkoun Histoirede L' Islam etdesmusulmans enFrance
Pamela Kyle Crossley Helen F. Siu Empire At The Margins
Frank Lee Holt The Greeks in Bactria And India
Colin Legerton and Jacob Rawson Invisible China
Laura Hostetler Qing Colonial Enterprise
Alvin z. Rubinstein Regional Power Rivalries in New Eurasia Russia, Turkey, and Iran
Jalal Abualrub Holy Wars Crusades Jihad
Stevan Harrell Cultural Encounters on China's Ethnic Frontiers
Muhammad Mojlum Khan The Muslim 100
Mohamed Menasri Kitab Tuhfat Al- Turk
Mohd. Taib Osman Islamic Civilization in The Malay World

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